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Name Cheat Flags
Address 006D5A6C
Platform Win
Version 1.16.1
Size 4
Length 1
Player ID 339394 (Byte Offset: 00)
Setting cheat flags will work in multiplayer games, but maybe not as expected.
00000001 **Black Sheep Wall
00000002 Operation CWAL
00000004 Power Overwhelming
00000008 *Something For Nothing
00000010 *Show Me The Money
00000040 Game Over Man
00000080 There Is No Cow Level
00000100 Staying Alive
00000200 Ophelia
00000800 The Gathering
00001000 Medieval Man
00002000 Modify The Phase Variance
00004000 **War Aint What It Used To Be
00020000 Food For Thought
00040000 *Whats Mine Is Mine
00080000 *Breathe Deep
20000000 noglues
* If any of these are enabled and you use any cheat it will instead disable these and do their action (and since you can't use cheats in multiplayer they are useless there.)
** If you enable these in Multiplayer they will be automatically disabled.
28000200 - These flags apparently do not clear at the start of a game.
Radio Free Zerg doesn't use these flags.