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Name Hotkeyed Unit
Address 0057FE60
Platform Win
Version 1.16.1
Size 4
Length 12
Player ID -10561 (Byte Offset: 00)
To detect the hotkey and then the slot that a unit is stored in and/or the unit 
that is stored in a slot within a hotkey for any player. 
The total amount of units that can be hotkeyed
is 12.
There are 9 hotkeys in existence.
12 * 9 = 108 
108 is the total amount of EPD values for each
	If we want to check if there's a unit in the
	seventh slot within the hotkey CTRL+0 for
	Player 1, 
	-10561 + 7 = -10555.
	If we want to check if there's a unit in the
	first slot within the hotkey CTRL+1 for Player
	-10561 + 12 = -10550.
	If we want to check if there's a unit in
	the first slot within the hotkey CTRL+0 for
	Player 2,
	-10561 + 109 = -10452.
12 * 9 * 8 = 864
864 is the total combined number of all players' EPD
	We can check any slots within any hotkeys for 
	any player to detect if any unit exist. 
		At least 1
	We can check any slots within any hotkeys for
	any player to detect if no unit exist.
		At least 3749
	but what if we want to detect if a specific unit
	within the map is hotkeyed in a certain slot?
Unit alpha ID (Unit Entity)
Index #        Alpha ID
0	       2049
1	       3748 [+1700]
2	       3747 [-1]
3	       3746 [-1]
Confused? Hint: (Read Section 6)