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Name #'s of Game Pauses
Address 0058D718
Platform Win
Version 1.16.1
Size 1
Length 8
Player ID 3309 (Byte Offset: 00)
EPD 3309: 
The base value of this address is: (P1 + P2 + P3 + P4) * 3 = 50529027
Player 1: *1 
Player 2: *256 
Player 3: *65536 
Player 4: *16777216 
Player 1, 2, 3, and 4 all have three remaining game pauses that they can use to stop the game from running temporarily. If Player 2 were to pause the game, and have only two remaining game pauses left as a result, the new value of the address is: 50529027 - 256 = 50528771.
The same as EPD 3310, except: 
Player 5: *1 
Player 6: *256 
Player 7: *65536 
Player 8: *16777216 
Challenge (Try it) - Create a easy formula from all of the information given.